Anyone have a line on US-made NATO style straps?

I'm not a watch guy by any stretch and usually roll with an Ironman with a rubber band where the excess strap loop used to be. Very pro, I know. But in looking around for something I can ride to work in that also works with a suit, I ended up with one of these Nixons. I don't know if it's my Catholic school upbringing or the memories of taking the train to Penn Station everyday for 2 years, but I'm a big fan of institutional looking white clock faces. We have a few in our house and now one on my wrist.

Howevah, the band ain't going to cut it and I'm going to buy a replacement or two, NATO-style, like Musgrave's above. Most of the webfronts are Asia based, so if anyone has a line on an American made nylon strap company, I'd welcome your suggestions.
