Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
I agree and I don't think it's a slam on the lbs. Good bike shops have years of experience getting people out on bikes. Most are aware that many or most of the bikes they sell will be hanging with cobwebs in a few years too so it's important to get someone comfy on the first few rides. It's what happens after the first few rides that we're discussing.
So true.

I think, too, that shops tend to be deferential to their customers, and to give customers what they think want. And that's probably a good business strategy for most of their customers.

In fact, now that I think about it, that's exactly what the shop that first built up my Seven did when they were dealing with me. I had bought the frame on eBay, and I took it to a local shop (with an excellent rep) to buy the components and get it built up. I ended up with a 17 degree stem and a triple, because the fitter (also someone with an excellent rep) followed my lead - I clearly remember thinking, "Well, I'm getting older. I'd better go with something conservative." And the fitter listened to me and gave me what I thought I wanted.

It took me a year to replace the stem and lower my bars, and that triple set-up was my regular ride for almost three years. If I hadn't started listening to more experienced riders, I wonder if I'd have ever changed a thing.