Even if you're vaccinated, don't get Covid-19 in LA Co. Higher hospitalization rate (7%) for breakthrough infections and similar CFR (1.3%) to Pandemic rates.

Among these fully vaccinated people, 933 people were identified who tested positive for a COVID-19 infection contracted more than two weeks after they were fully vaccinated. That means that about 0.03% of all vaccinated people tested positive for COVID-19. This includes people who were tested as a matter of routine requirement by their workplace, including asymptomatic people. Of fully vaccinated people, 71 of them, or 0.002%, were hospitalized for infections contracted while fully vaccinated. And 12 people died of their infections, or 0.00036% of vaccinated County residents.


Funny how the Health Department is starting to sound like those kooks who shout that only 0.0001% of US children have died from Covid-19.

But to paraphrase flashunc, natural immunity from infection is a helluva thing.