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  1. #61
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    No one is going to get near DT with a gun.

    Just not happening.

    I watched the debates last time waiting for this to happen:

    The very last scene from Brian de Palma's film, The Fury, when Amy Irving tells John Cassavettes to go to hell, and he explodes.

    Here's a gif:
    Jay Dwight

  2. #62
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    I'm not suggesting Trump will get shot.

    Rather, I'm suggesting that such an event would be a catalyst for violence. The flag waving gun totting government building storming ning nongs would be out in force.

    It is truly a sad and sorry situation for your country in the year 2020, in the middle of a pandemic in which 184,000 people have died, to be on a knife edge over the response to white people killing black people. Your country is crying out for sensible stable leadership and it would seem from the cheap seats that it has precisely none of that.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter's an idea...not politically correct....but maybe put out a message to folks to not resist arrest...put up a public service thing...with a jingle say like: "continue to exist:don't resist"...that might help some...of course that won't happen as whites are afraid of being seen as racists...that and many white folks treat Black adults like children...which I find incredibly racist to be, does that statement mean there isn't a problem with cops sometimes? not at all...but a large part of this thing via police shootings might actually be helped via not's pretty much the common denominator via these recent cases...

  4. #64
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    I could not agree less than with the previous comment... Jesus that shit doesn’t sit right with me.

    Come on.. victim blaming. Fuck that
    ‘The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses-‘ Utah Phillips

  5. #65
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by cash05458 View Post
    well...might actually be helped via not's pretty much the common denominator via these recent cases...
    I think it is just a terribly sad state what gets categorized as "resisting" these days. I think everyone has a right to question what the charge is, why X is suspected, etc. I can't imagine the fear that must be present in many of those subjected to arrest/interrogation given the continued frequency of police-related shootings or beatings.

    I've only had one bad experience with police, but it was instructive to me. When I was 16, I wrecked my car, and an officer arrived AFTER THE FACT and tried to cite me for speeding and reckless driving--because he felt I HAD to be doing both to cause the damage. I argued, and he got angry and loud and got out handcuffs. Luckily for me my passenger and several bystanders (who were actually there) supported me. He then backed down, but for the next 3 months, he or one of his cop buddies followed me after every home game, or any time I happened to be out going to pizza hut or whatever. I had to check my tail lights regularly, never could speed, complete stops (usually i tried never to drive alone, because i was cited for a "rolling stop", despite stopping, and it helped to have a witness) etc etc. What a petty power trip. I was just a 130 lb white teenager who dared talk back.

    Police really don't have the right to pre-judge, intimidate, and get physical, but these brutal incidents show they do, far too often. To me the answer isn't to let them do it, but instead to make them stop.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Penalty for resisting arrest is not death and the sentence is not adjudicated curbside.
    Jorn Ake


  7. #67
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by cash05458 View Post
    ...but a large part of this thing via police shootings might actually be helped via not's pretty much the common denominator via these recent cases...
    Tamir Rice was not resisting, he was a 12-year-old boy playing with a toy gun. And Black. Killed by police.

    Breonna Taylor was not resisting, she was shot while sleeping in her apartment. Also Black, and killed by police. She was asleep in her apartment when they entered with a no-knock warrant.

    Walter Wright was running away from a police officer who had pulled him over for a broken taillight, was that an example of resisting? He was shot in the back five times. He was a Black man.

    Philando Castille was shot by police in his car, after he told them he had a gun and was reaching for his license. His killing was live-streamed by his girlfriend. He was a Black man, killed by police, for something that in no way resembled resisting arrest.

    The common denominator is that they were Black. I’m not seeing what you’re saying, Cash. What am I missing?
    Last edited by thollandpe; 09-02-2020 at 10:44 PM.
    Trod Harland, Pickle Expediter

    Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. — James Baldwin

  8. #68
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    To be fair to Cash and to Todd, I think you are probably closer in agreement then you realize. Cash acknowledges there are problem cops, and Todd you are pointing out the real enraging police incidents are the ones where people are not resisting and still get killed.

    The issue is training. If I am a hammer, everything is a nail. As training centers more on warrior mentality , that has driven up these incidents. The key is changing training and the way problem police are dealt with. It is unfortunate, the call to retrain was hi-jacked and became defund the police. In typical fashion, the extremists on both sides, are diverting from the real issue and preventing a solution.

    All you need to do is look at how 'civil forfeiture' consultants went around to police departments showing how to maximize the claim, and guess what, civil forfeitures went up. I bet if you examined the incidents, it all comes down to the same police training around a warrior mentality. Rarely does there appear to be training in de-escalation but only in suppression.

    Unfortunately, the President thinks he can get elected by scaring people and is spending billions on broadcasting the message the 'left' want to defund the police and bring a mob to your town. This only goes one way under him.

    This video surface from the upstate New York recently from a March incident. Clearly, this is so wrong on so many fronts but I would say they are doing exactly what they were trained to do. That is the real problem. Not a rogue cop.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    Is it?
    Compared to 1920's and 30's Italy and Germany. No comparison.

    Much of the rest you typed has sadly been going on for decades. Trump....bad 4 year blip.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by cash05458 View Post's an idea...not politically correct....but maybe put out a message to folks to not resist arrest...put up a public service thing...with a jingle say like: "continue to exist:don't resist"...
    "Lick the boots, they might not shoots?"

    How bout the bastards just be held accountable?

    Novel idea, that - applying law n' order universally.

    And the PPB Chief even after viewing video evidence is still defending the goon-squad and blaming the victims.

    Of course this is the same PPB that had no problem letting a y'all-kaida parade of trucks with blacked-out plates come in to Portland, bear-mace protestors in the face, shoot protestors with paintball guns filled with ball-bearings and frozen paint, and maul protestors in the street with their trucks while running red-lights right in front of them without so much as a wag of the finger - in fact multiple photos and videos show them smiling and laughing as it happened.

    This is tRump's Amerik(^3)a.
    Dan in Oregon


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  11. #71
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by sine View Post
    Trump is not smart enough to be a tyrant.
    tRump isn't smart enough to identify a fire-hydrant but he sure as hell has the backing to be a tyrant. Without a complicit republican party and a base of white-supremacists (hiding behind their bibles and stonks), he would be nothing. Unfortunately the so-called conservative agenda for the past fifty years has been to grow a nation of mushroom heads - feeding them sh!t and keeping them in the dark, manipulation at every turn. This is the end-game that started with Nixon, ramped up with Reagan, and bled across the map under the Bushes. They are reaping the tyranny they have sown - and tRump is exactly the leader they wanted. The Republican party could end this today. They could have ended it years ago. But they haven't, and they won't. They have, at last, no decency. And neither does any citizen who is not actively speaking out against them and campaigning among friends and family for the tide to turn at the local, state, and federal level in November.
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by vertical_doug View Post
    To be fair to Cash and to Todd, I think you are probably closer in agreement then you realize. Cash acknowledges there are problem cops, and Todd you are pointing out the real enraging police incidents are the ones where people are not resisting and still get killed.

    The issue is training. If I am a hammer, everything is a nail. As training centers more on warrior mentality , that has driven up these incidents. The key is changing training and the way problem police are dealt with. It is unfortunate, the call to retrain was hi-jacked and became defund the police. In typical fashion, the extremists on both sides, are diverting from the real issue and preventing a solution.

    All you need to do is look at how 'civil forfeiture' consultants went around to police departments showing how to maximize the claim, and guess what, civil forfeitures went up. I bet if you examined the incidents, it all comes down to the same police training around a warrior mentality. Rarely does there appear to be training in de-escalation but only in suppression.

    Unfortunately, the President thinks he can get elected by scaring people and is spending billions on broadcasting the message the 'left' want to defund the police and bring a mob to your town. This only goes one way under him.

    This video surface from the upstate New York recently from a March incident. Clearly, this is so wrong on so many fronts but I would say they are doing exactly what they were trained to do. That is the real problem. Not a rogue cop.
    This only strengthens the argument to defund police departments, in my mind. If the issue is not rogue cops but the fundamental nature of the job, then it is unrealistic to expect existing departments and power structures to wholly reinvent themselves.

    Yes, the police have had jobs foisted upon them that they shouldn't, but given the budgets for many of these departments it's a travesty they're not employing more social workers, homeless advocates and others who can better deal with the kinds of crises they're called in to solve.

    Policing in this country is increasingly militarized and treating where we all live, to quote the Secretary of Defense about handling peaceful protests, as the battle space.

    Either it's rogue cops that many "good" cops aren't getting a handle on or forcefully speaking out against, or it's a system rotten to the core.

    Both options lead me to believe a reckoning of dramatic resource reallocation and consideration for how we police our society, ie:defund, is necessary.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Clean39T View Post
    tRump isn't smart enough to identify a fire-hydrant but he sure as hell has the backing to be a tyrant. Without a complicit republican party and a base of white-supremacists (hiding behind their bibles and stonks), he would be nothing. Unfortunately the so-called conservative agenda for the past fifty years has been to grow a nation of mushroom heads - feeding them sh!t and keeping them in the dark, manipulation at every turn. This is the end-game that started with Nixon, ramped up with Reagan, and bled across the map under the Bushes. They are reaping the tyranny they have sown - and tRump is exactly the leader they wanted. The Republican party could end this today. They could have ended it years ago. But they haven't, and they won't. They have, at last, no decency. And neither does any citizen who is not actively speaking out against them and campaigning among friends and family for the tide to turn at the local, state, and federal level in November.
    Bibles I know, what’s a “stonk”?
    Colin Mclelland

  14. #74
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Colinmclelland View Post
    Bibles I know, what’s a “stonk”?

    When you're stonks are up, nothing else matters.
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Clean39T View Post
    tRump isn't smart enough to identify a fire-hydrant but he sure as hell has the backing to be a tyrant. Without a complicit republican party and a base of white-supremacists (hiding behind their bibles and stonks), he would be nothing. Unfortunately the so-called conservative agenda for the past fifty years has been to grow a nation of mushroom heads - feeding them sh!t and keeping them in the dark, manipulation at every turn. This is the end-game that started with Nixon, ramped up with Reagan, and bled across the map under the Bushes. They are reaping the tyranny they have sown - and tRump is exactly the leader they wanted. The Republican party could end this today. They could have ended it years ago. But they haven't, and they won't. They have, at last, no decency. And neither does any citizen who is not actively speaking out against them and campaigning among friends and family for the tide to turn at the local, state, and federal level in November.
    That's funny......Bushes wanting Trump to be prez. I will keep it at that..........I hope that you will be somewhat happy some time after Nov. 3rd, 2020.

  16. #76
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by sine View Post
    That's funny......Bushes wanting Trump to be prez. I will keep it at that..........I hope that you will be somewhat happy some time after Nov. 3rd, 2020.
    That's actually not what I said. I said the conservative agenda pushed by republican leaders dating back to Nixon (including the Bush's) is responsible for tRumpism and indeed the tyranny gripping this country. That is different than saying that the Bush's wanted tRump to be prez.
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  17. #77
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by cash05458 View Post's an idea...not politically correct....but maybe put out a message to folks to not resist arrest...put up a public service thing...with a jingle say like: "continue to exist:don't resist"...that might help some...of course that won't happen as whites are afraid of being seen as racists...that and many white folks treat Black adults like children...which I find incredibly racist to be, does that statement mean there isn't a problem with cops sometimes? not at all...but a large part of this thing via police shootings might actually be helped via not's pretty much the common denominator via these recent cases...
    this ignores that black people are being shot and killed or even just roughed up when they're not resisting. What did John Crawford do to the police? Breonna Taylor?

  18. #78
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by cash05458 View Post's an idea...not politically correct....but maybe put out a message to folks to not resist arrest...put up a public service thing...with a jingle say like: "continue to exist:don't resist"...that might help some...of course that won't happen as whites are afraid of being seen as racists...that and many white folks treat Black adults like children...which I find incredibly racist to be, does that statement mean there isn't a problem with cops sometimes? not at all...but a large part of this thing via police shootings might actually be helped via not's pretty much the common denominator via these recent cases...
    If you disregard history, or the history that applies to this doesn't apply to you, this sounds sensible. But when you acknowledge that resisting arrest is not a universal factor in police brutality cases, and there are many examples of no safety for a black person who follows police orders, you realize that the burden of correct behavior is first and foremost on the police officers.
    Dan Fuller, local bicycle enthusiast

  19. #79
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by cash05458 View Post's an idea...not politically correct....but maybe put out a message to folks to not resist arrest...put up a public service thing...with a jingle say like: "continue to exist:don't resist"...that might help some...of course that won't happen as whites are afraid of being seen as racists...that and many white folks treat Black adults like children...which I find incredibly racist to be, does that statement mean there isn't a problem with cops sometimes? not at all...but a large part of this thing via police shootings might actually be helped via not's pretty much the common denominator via these recent cases...
    ignorance much? have you been arrested or pulled over for being black? im not balck, but i drove a car that was often profiled as a black guys car, a 66 chevy caprice. i was pulled over 6 times as a teenager for being black, then the cops roll up to the car, see a white boy, put the gun back in the holster, and tell me to watch out because the motor is big and speed or soemthing. alas, i wasnt speeding, just driving a "snoop dog music video car" in southern california, go thorugh as a white person, imagine actually being a black i was profiled as black. its shocking to go through as a white person, imagine actually being black and having the followup on that shit. like they dont remove their hand fomr their gun or re hoslser it, they just shoot you.

    so doris, i can imagine your stupid situation of simply not resisting arrest and still getting screwed for it. please do try again with another thought... this one wasnt up to par. or read some, Solitary by albert woodfox would be a good place to start. if its not too lefty for old ladies in grants pass in my wifes book club, perhaps you could try to learn something about the other.

    jesus, this kind of ignorance is simply getting old and dangerous. i didnt know people could be so ignorant given social media obviousness. im tired. peoples' ignorance makes that fatigue worse.
    Matt Zilliox

  20. #80
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by sine View Post
    Compared to 1920's and 30's Italy and Germany. No comparison.

    Much of the rest you typed has sadly been going on for decades. Trump....bad 4 year blip.
    That's right re Italy and Germany. But, for a country that is modern, democratic etc etc, things are not going particularly well. Trump has been a hopeless leader and giving the right signals to white gun totting lunatics is a genie that may be hard to put back in the bottle.



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