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Thread: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

  1. #141
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    But if you vote by mail, what happens to your democracy sausage?
    Mark Kelly

  2. #142
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I voted by mail when I was in the military, as did all my fellow servicemembers. There was no issue with it then.
    Eric Doswell, aka Edoz
    Summoner of Crickets
    In Before the Lock

  3. #143
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by edoz View Post
    I voted by mail when I was in the military, as did all my fellow servicemembers. There was no issue with it then.
    Of course there were no problems. But the whole point is to start sowing seeds of doubt about the process if you don't like the outcome.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kelly View Post
    But if you vote by mail, what happens to your democracy sausage?
    Americans just don't understand what democracy is actually all about.

    I voted in the last Australian election at the consulate in Berlin, and even there they made sure that all had a democracy sausage, even vegans like me.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

  6. #146
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I just voted in the September primary. My ballot arrived in two days.
    Jay Dwight

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by ides1056 View Post
    I just voted in the September primary. My ballot arrived in two days.
    I'm gonna starta new poll.

  8. #148
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by ABiCi View Post
    Americans just don't understand what democracy is actually all about.

    I voted in the last Australian election at the consulate in Berlin, and even there they made sure that all had a democracy sausage, even vegans like me.
    A democracy currywurst!

  9. #149
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    I'm gonna starta new poll.
    Josh, plz also start one about who everyone THINKS is going to win, not who they want to win, voted for, wish was running, etc. Curious.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by zambenini View Post
    Josh, plz also start one about who everyone THINKS is going to win, not who they want to win, voted for, wish was running, etc. Curious.
    I was kidding but hey we should make it a dead man's pool. Whoever loses gets the bounty to pay for psychiatry and Tequilla.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 08-15-2020 at 08:54 PM.

  11. #151
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Will Neide View Post
    Just a reminder that Trump mails in his vote.
    If this President went to a public polling place the media would be up his ass for a photo op and disrupting the public blah blah blah. C'mon, be reasonable.

  12. #152
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    If this President went to a public polling place the media would be up his ass for a photo op and disrupting the public blah blah blah. C'mon, be reasonable.
    Corso, I'm really a little baffled by your post.

    Is this an argument that there are good reasons that citizens would want to vote via mail? Would fear of spreading COVID be a good reason? Or not?
    Are you suggesting that the famous should be allowed to vote by mail as to not disrupt polling places?
    And what am I to make of the endless photo ops showing politicians voting?

    Personally, what I see in Trump's actions is just another self-serving lie.

  13. #153
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by davids View Post
    Corso, I'm really a little baffled by your post.

    Is this an argument that there are good reasons that citizens would want to vote via mail? Would fear of spreading COVID be a good reason? Or not?
    Are you suggesting that the famous should be allowed to vote by mail as to not disrupt polling places?
    And what am I to make of the endless photo ops showing politicians voting?

    Personally, what I see in Trump's actions is just another self-serving lie.
    Davids, I'm not completely defending Trump, just pointing out the obvious. Mail it in, go vote in person, Trump haters are going to find fault in whatever he does. Just as you did.

    If Liz Warren is filmed voting, one may say "Great". If Trump does the same, one may say "photo op, should be doing his job, Secret Service keeping citizens from voting, etc "

    You are putting a bagful of words in my mouth, insinuating far more than my simple statement said.

    That said, I fully expect Basement Joe to mail it in.

    Just received my official MA application for a mail in ballot. Anyone who wants to vote illegally had to do is take this out of my mailbox, have the ballot sent to another address, (space provided) and mail in the ballot as me. I'm sure you may have received the same application. Anyone who wants to screw with the process has opportunity to. Will the actual ballot have a fool proof qualifying way to make sure I was the actual person mailing it in? I doubt it.

    I'll be voting in person.

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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I'm calling BS Corso. Quit salting the fields and engage with meaningful discussion. WTF cares about innuendo. Talk facts or shut the fuck up. xxoo

  15. #155
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    ...Trump haters are going to find fault in whatever he does... ...Basement Joe...
    Trump is hyper-critizened because he’s hyper-critical. It’s the bed he’s made. We’re all just playing by the rules he’s set forth. Why is it not right to question or criticize at the same rate as what’s questionable?

    And the name calling, my word, I hope we all grow up very soon. We, as a country, need to get out of the sandbox and stop portraying our government as some grade school rivalry.

    Stop the name calling. Rise above. Be kind. Treat as you want to be treated. Not everyone is the enemy. Blah blah fucking blah. It’s all very easy when it’s not used as an acceptable approach from the president of the USA.

    If the process is more important than the result, you play. If the result is more important than the process, you work.

  16. #156
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Davids, I'm not completely defending Trump, just pointing out the obvious. Mail it in, go vote in person, Trump haters are going to find fault in whatever he does. Just as you did.

    If Liz Warren is filmed voting, one may say "Great". If Trump does the same, one may say "photo op, should be doing his job, Secret Service keeping citizens from voting, etc "

    You are putting a bagful of words in my mouth, insinuating far more than my simple statement said.

    That said, I fully expect Basement Joe to mail it in.

    Just received my official MA application for a mail in ballot. Anyone who wants to vote illegally had to do is take this out of my mailbox, have the ballot sent to another address, (space provided) and mail in the ballot as me. I'm sure you may have received the same application. Anyone who wants to screw with the process has opportunity to. Will the actual ballot have a fool proof qualifying way to make sure I was the actual person mailing it in? I doubt it.

    I'll be voting in person.
    My friend,

    My question was legit - I feel I know you well enough to know you're a reasonable person with whom I can have a conversation.

    Just to be clear, the fault I find here is Trump's blatant hypocrisy. Mail-in voting is not only good enough for him, he has repeatedly voted by mail and is doing it again. But it is not good enough for "you", and it will result in massive fraud. His actions here are transparently self-serving as a set up to question the results of the upcoming election. It is painfully obvious.

    I agree with you that there seems to be a possibility for fraud here that's pretty straightforward. Someone could steal my ballot, or the postcard that asked if I wanted a mail-in ballot. It is hard for me to see how this could ever be scaled up to the level where it could steal an election. Someone could also impersonate me in person, at my polling place. I'm asked my name and address, but not for any proof that I am who I say I am. I knew a couple of the precinct poll workers at my former home, but even after 4+ years, no one here.

    I also know that the USA hasn't seen any instances of massive ballot fraud, certainly not related to mail-in voting. Of course ballot fraud happens. But this whole fraud by mail is a red herring. Well, with one exception I can think of. Imagine you could control the mail for the entire nation, and either delay or prevent it from reaching its destinations. That could really wreak havoc with mail-in ballots.

    My plan is to drop off my ballot at City Hall. Just to be sure no one meddles with my ballot.

  17. #157
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Candidates vote in their home district polling place all the time. It’s good TV.

    I’ll do it whatever I need to do to make sure my ballot isn’t “lost” or “invalid“ or whatever.
    La Cheeserie!

  18. #158
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    I live in Arizona, I vote by mail. The recent primaries had a 37% turnout. A large envelope shows up with my ballot, instructions, and postage-paid return. Color in the ovals and sign the envelope, bam. When I was in the military, I voted absentee. Sometimes my vote was counted, oftentimes not. If a candidate wins by 200K votes and there are 80K military absentee ballots, they won't get counted. Absentees come into play in tight contests.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
    Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.

  19. #159
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Hmm, I planned to vote absentee, but a friend pointed out "would you mail cash?" NC is a close state. Fauci telling me voting is no worse than going to the supermarket.

  20. #160
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    Default Re: 2020 Presidential Election: Who will be Joe Biden’s running mate?

    Can voter fraud happen? Sure, I guess. Here, one goes to the high school, your name is crossed off a list, and you vote. No ID required. Easy to pretend you are someone else. I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would do this, considering it's one vote, and considering the potential legal ramifications. Very small payoff for extraordinary risk.

    Can vote-by-mail fraud exist? Sure. Again, though, how would this happen on a systemic level? Armies of a candidate's homies roaming the countryside stealing mail? I don't think so. Legions of Biden or Trump agents infiltrating the Post Office and stealing/changing ballots? Nah.

    The only voter fraud going on is being performed at the state level, setting into place the same nonsense as literacy tests of the Jim Crow South. The only voter fraud going on involves those who are making it increasingly difficult for large portions of the population to vote by demolishing the very means by which that is possible (i.e., the Post Office).

    Nobody talks about requiring ID in the (relatively) wealthy, almost all-white community where I live. Nobody. Districts that are mostly inhabited by people of color? Well, you'll need a driver's license/ passport/ affidavit/ certified letter signed by the governor.

    Voting should be easy, not hard, and if the balance to achieve this goal tips a little towards increasing the (remote, unlikely) possibility of fraud, so be it - our democracy is preserved. But I maintain that both reasonable security and universal, easy voting are not only mutually possible, but quite easy. All that has to be done is not fuck the Post Office.

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