Quote Originally Posted by bigbill View Post
Wages are what the market pays over the minimum. My company operates on a small profit margin and that is why the plants are located in smaller towns with a low cost of living. The minimum wage in AZ is $11 and we pay entry-level about a dollar more than that. $900 a week in unemployment is $22.50 an hour as long as the incentives last. If you can make that much for doing nothing, why would you return to work?
Given the current spike in cases in AZ they should be paying people triple to stay home. The way most EU countries funneled the payments through companies to let people stay home while avoiding the disruption of layoffs is infinitely more humane, but keeping people socially distant is absolutely required to beat this virus and save lives. There were 12 thousand cases in the last three days there. Forcing people back to work is getting close to murder.