This is my most used oil for both cooking as well as dipping.
I get my cooking olive oil from costco mostly as the quality is above average and not real expensive.
For my dipping oil or for homemade salad dressing I have been ordering my oils from Israel/Palestinian off ebay for the last few years. I look for the stuff that is homemade. The last few bottles that I have received is just fantastic in both taste as well as quality. I can really taste the raw olive flavor in the oils and they really step up the flavor of oil based dressings. Taste wise this stuff is out of this world with nothing commercially available that even comes close.
If you want to give it a try go to ebay and in advanced search type in olive oil and in the country located in type in israel and on the right side bar select homemade and unbranded. Most is in plastic bottles and the picture looks like it came from someones farm.
The last two bottle that I bought.