First of all-I know less about technology than a broken brick does.. that’s fact, that’s why I am asking you all.

My 12 year old daughter was goven AirPods for the holidays, she has been rocking out to Tears For Fears and Billie Eillish hard on them..

I am by no means an alarmist, I don’t wear a 6 quart pot strapped to my bean-but I do feel that our actions and things we do surely have consequences. I believe in eating good food and climate change and science...

So-I fell into an article about AirPods and cancer and tumors and all that.. is there any sort of science or research to back this up? Microwaves in your skull?

Really-is this or should this be a worry?

I am a very good welder and carpenter, but a sciencetist I am not-