Shit happens when you start a fight. Barring remarkable information this one appears to be on the US. And how are we better off or as Florida's Chief Demagogue Marco Rubio claims on his FB page a "safer, stronger America".

My head is spinning to think that anyone who isn't a psychopath can still support Trump. On the other hand, what's the percentage of the population that's within the psychopathic spectrum? Seems like I read that it was in the low teens, back one day when I was wondering why folks threaten or kill bicyclists with their automobiles. (NB: it is far lower, around 1% it appears, for diagnosable folks, but what I found earlier, if memory serves, wasn't the full on diagnosable individuals but those who had at least some small tendency in that direction....folks who wouldn't lose too terribly much sleep for running over a cyclist)

Whether the roots be organic or lousy programming, a lot of humans are functionally stupid. In an exchange elsewhere a Trump supporter remarked to me "you're an engineer, you should be able to analyze things better" (as in support Trump); he then stated that "God wanted Trump to make us the leader in oil and gas". No kidding.

Stepping back from all of the idealogical arguments, well it's really just chaff, just backing away far enough to see the whole thing and it's difficult for me to believe that adults could think that Trump, Pompeo & Co are a positive, constructive group of peeps. It's like building bicycle frames or anything else; you need to step back sometimes, take the whole thing in visually and see if it looks right. This obviously doesn't.

I'm glad that Iran's rulers apparently had the sense to be able to save face without causing Trump to lose his. In an era when survival, economic, environmental, any metric you choose, requires major course corrections based on reality and smart, strategic thinking, the Trump circus is the team flying the airplane? This is our "A Team"? Humanity, hell everything alive, is in deep shit.