Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
No one condoned it, but no one bothered to criticize it here either, did they? I'll answer: NO.

Obama kills hundreds of people= crickets. Trump kills 5 people=8 pages (so far) of predominatly negative rants and name calling.

That's my point. And my example was under Obama's watch, don't drag Bush into it. Whataboutism from you? Or is there a different clever term for what you just did?

So dismiss any comparison of the left's double standards claim whataboutism if you will, it's great way to dismiss the facts.

He's done such a "bad job", he's going to run away with the election, impeachment BS or not.

Please bear in mind this forum is not a representation of the Nation. If it were, Hillary would be the one ordering drone strikes, and this thread would not exist, as none here would bother to complain about it.

Sorry for the Hillary-ism.
Bush began the drone program. Obama continued and expanded it. You can't look at one without the other. You know, the same drone program Trump just used to kill Soleimani. You're right, Hillary would likely be continuing the drone program. So much of our foreign policy and actions in the region are part of a generational through line that spans administrations.

I've personally detested the drone program for a long time, and his killing of Anwar al-Alwaki and his son was beyond the pale for violations of both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'm sorry no one came to this bike forum to complain about a President the population generally liked for one terrible foreign policy choice they felt never impacted them personally? As bad as the Obama drone program was, it never crashed the Selective Service site for young people worried the draft was coming back for a war with Iran.

I miss the days when the American government committed foreign atrocities in secret, rather than having the President howl at the moon about them on Twitter.