I had a outer shell I really liked. Material was hard-shell-ish except that it stretched. DNR finish, water proof breathable laminate, hood, snow/wind baffle around the waist. I basically lived in it for many winters. 12 I think. Might be 15. The other day I gave it a wash and the hood detached. A glued or bonded attachment, not stitched. So I figured well, can't fix that. My wife said send it back to Patagonia as a repair. So I did. Wrote a note that said here is my shell, the hood came off, bet you can't repair it, thanks for the 12 years though. They sent me an email that said nope we can't fix it but here's $100 off on a new shell. So I went to the store, tried on the shells and found one I liked but needed a different color. The sales people found one somewhere in the Patagoniverse, I paid for it with my discount + some shekels, and then it arrived today at my house, free shipping.

I would have bought the shell had they not given me $100 and even if they made me pay for shipping too.