Quote Originally Posted by Dallas Tex View Post
Trump never went bankrupt. It’s intellectually dishonest to imply that he did. Several business he opened went bankrupt, which is not uncommon when someone runs and frequently opens many businesses. Having one of the many businesses he runs going bankrupt is much, much different than trump going bankrupt. I’d bet half or more of the bankruptcies you mention are casinos. I’m not sure your ‘real estate cash flow is super easy’ theory really applies to casinos. Frankly I don’t think it applies to real estate either. I simply don’t agree with your implication that giant real estate projects are simple to successfully manage.

Your post also seems to praise Bezos for showing losses and taking full advantage of tax law yet criticizing Trump for similar things.

Yes, Amazon produces audited financials. They’re a public company, they have to.

IMHO, implying that any wildly successful businessman is incompetent based on several bankruptcies is your politics overriding reality.

There’s a great many things to dislike about trump. Maybe folks simply don’t agree with his politics. I just don’t understand the need for the full-court-press of twisting & distorting every aspect of his life.
You are correct on the bankruptcy, I should have been more correct with my grammar. Although his companies bankruptcy almost brought him to ruin since he had a personal guarantee on the loan. Fortunately for him, the banks believe they had a better chance of recouping some of the losses if he remained involved.

I did not say he was incompetent, I said his organization was getting the model wrong which I believe is a factually correct statement. I also gave a second possibility, which mirrored what some other raiders did in the 80's and 90's. I did not say the practice was incompetent, just it was a sharp practice although not illegal.

I also said there is a certain amount of hate the game not the player. Some of this is part and parcel for the real estate market. Although in this case, I think Trump record of short changing contractors and others leans to the dirtier side. He is not as predatory as a slum lord, but he isn't Trinity Church either.

Yes, as a public company Amazon does need to provide audited financials. As President, Trump has broken with recent practice of both candidates and Presidents disclosing their tax returns. Since he has not divested himself of his assets, he should at least provide tax returns for some disclosure on potential conflicts of interest. In a world of dark money, we need more transparency not less.