I've had the pleasure of working with one helluva smart and energetic gent for the past 7-8 years who makes a living traveling the world and helping Fortune 500 companies organize their project management processes. When I say project management, it applies to any sort of project which requires planning, organization, execution, monitoring and closeout. Construction, IT, IPO's...you PM pros know what I'm talking about. He's had an idea of creating a physical space which could essentially be erected on any client site and serve as a project "hub", with the sole purpose of being used for project focused meetings. The intersection of physical, digital and three dimensional if you will where the art, craft and science of project management come together. Brilliant.

Well for the past day and a half I've been meeting with him in his lab which is in a garage on a side street in Princeton and for you PM geeks out there, I have to tell you that I was blown away. We are going to organize his ideas in a virtual format and we hope to be able to translate his ideas so that it makes sense from a design standpoint and that the design and tools are in synch with the method that he teaches to his clients. Probably the item that really hit home is the critical path table, which simply links critical path activities on post-its, and with a simple push, shows the impact of a sliding schedule. Works better in sending a warning message than any Primavera schedule that I've rolled out to a CEO. Drop me a note if this subject matter is of interest to you and I can share information in greater detail.