Well, my time in Europe is coming to a close. Awesome place with awesome riding, but my job is eating all of my time and Soul. Looking for some vSalonista tips on the current state of the two.

I am from the Seattle area and have parents/nieces/nephews in the area. Seattle airport 4x a month would be my commute -- even considering moving down to PDX area and taking a commuter flight. Really enjoyed some of the organized rides/brevets in the area.

PA/NJ/NY probably has the best chance for earning more money with less time spent. Looking at Buck County, PA in particular. I'd need to get to JFK/LGA about 4x a month. All my friends are on the East coast now for some reason. I don't really know much about the area other than visiting a few days during my job hunt process.

What does the hive mind have to say?