Hit me with your recommendations on solid pants that won't end up with a blown out crotch after a few months of commuting. I'm looking for chinos or something similarly work-appropriate. Uniqlo makes nice, cheap chinos that fit well but they feel disposable to me - about 6 months into wearing them for my commutes (about 18-20km depending on what boulangerie I'm hitting) they are tissue thin and a month later I've got a saddle greeting me in my nether-regions.

I've yet to find a pair of jeans I like that weren't priced at the GDP of Eritrea so please stick to non-jean recommendations. I've had good luck with Rapha's pants but they're not cheap and they change their cut and details (like pocket size, zipper placement...etc. even on the same model across years) so frequently that buying them feels like a crapshoot.