
So Grace and I put out a couple of bird feeders on our apt's balcony a few weeks ago, after we took down the (winter) suet feeders. We both love cardinals and our hope is to get lots of them. One feeder contains a mix of seeds and the other one (dark in pic) has nothing but those black oil sunflower seeds that supposedly cardinals are crazy about. We figured one feeder for all the other birds, and one exclusively for the cardinals. Oh and we also read that cardinals don't like to perch, and prefer to just stand, so the feeders we got allow for that.

So far we have 1 cardinal couple we see regularily, a gray female and a red male - and a ton of other types of birds. but I was hoping to get some suggestions here on how to attract them in general as I know some of you guys are knowledgeable in this area. Thanks!