Quote Originally Posted by jerk View Post
Dark is amazing. What I don't understand is why anyone other than me in America likes it. I spent a lot of time in a small German town called Grunwald outside of Giessen as a teenager and I can tell you the show captures small town Germany perfectly, poignantly and with a tragic human beauty that was simply surreal to me. Most folks love it for the sic-fi time travel nature of time and space shit- but all that is just bullshit allegory for me that really is just a way to point to the truths about Germany, Germans, the pastoral, and what history, time, people, culture and family are in Germany despite the terrors modernity has tortured the Germans with in really unspeakable terms. It was quite simply, the most amazing piece of story telling or German Pastoral Romantic Story Telling I have experienced since Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane and Goethe's Die Leiden des judges Werthers.

Please please watch it with the subtitles.
Not sure what most of this means but I quite like the show. I agree with you that it captures small-town Germany very well. Watching in German with English subtitles although it might be worth a re-watch without any subtitles as I feel like I'm missing some of the visuals at times.