Wednesday I had a great ride. Really buried myself, did a lot of heavy breathing and made it home still feeling great. However, it was a bad air day, and I think I really abraded my throat, because the next morning I woke up with a pretty serious sore throat. I gargled with Listerine and by Friday afternoon my throat was pretty close to back to normal. However, this morning I woke up and my left ear is plugged with (what I assume must be) snot because I also had developed sinus congestion. Nice huh?

I have a decongestant in my allergy medicine, but any tricks, home remedies, witch's brews, drill bits, minor explosives, heavy metal music that will clear my ear out? There's pressure but no pain, but I'd like to hear what's coming from that side, especially since it is my left ear that hears approaching/passing traffic.