Sorry to weary those who answer these queries ad infinitum but would just welcome views on the problem. Have read through all the advice on this and other forums and practised over and over, and hit a bit of a wall, compounded by ignorance. Boiled down it is this -1. if I tin the joint and then do the fillet in a second pass I produce neater work with a good internal fillet but the joint is kept heated for much longer - around 8 to 10 minutes, including pre-heat of joint (about 1 minute 30-2 minutes)

2. I go with higher heat, in one pass and get it done quicker (not in Garro or Estlund time but quick for me -5/6 minutes) trade of being the internal fillet is rather haphazard and generally covers about 70% percent of the circumference.

It seems from what I have read fairly evenly divided between those who tin and those who don't and I am aware that personal choice probably dictates a great deal of this, but from the point of further practice I would welcome opinions on whether I should concentrate on one or other method. Would like to post pics but in the absence of my tech savy son can't work out how to do this

Nic Whitwell