My only culinary skills involve the grill, although i didnt think to take pictures, i'll share one of my specialties i made last night:

hot italian sausage, procured from one of the local delis to me, very good stuff. I grill it on the weber charcoal grill to perfection. concurrently, i make a double layer envelope of aluminum foil, fill it with thinly sliced bell peppers and onions, coated with a bit of salt and liberally with EVOO. seal the envelope tightly and throw on the grill early. flip it often. careful not to puncture it to let the oil out. once the sausage is grilled to my liking, i pull it off the grill and slice it with a broad diagonal slice.

throw the long italian hero rolls, also sourced locally right on the grill grates to toast lightly. pop open the envelope of peppers and onions hot off the grill and fill those freshly toasted rolls with sliced sausage, pepper and onions. sprinkle on some fresh grated cheese.

this is such a simple summer crowd pleaser. i've even served it to some fellow cyclists annually at one of our get togethers. always a winner.

anyone have any different takes on the old standard? other tips and tricks to enhance the goodness?