The mistral arrived in Marseille over the weekend, which meant temps hovering around zero (C) and 50+km/h winds, higher as the climbing went on.

So, Sunday went something like -

7h30 - wake up with the sun, try not to disturb the wife
7h35 - feed the cat while water boils, press out an aeropress, eat some overnight oats from the fridge (and a slice of last-night's sticky-toffee pudding..)
8h00 - On the bike with two friends. 130km with 2,150 vertical meters. Try to figure out what the while flowers growing in all of the empty vineyards are. Discover a medieval village in the mountains that you didn't previously know of.
12h30 - Soup and salad with the wife while stretching. Start some dough for dinner and get that shoulder workout kneading.
13h30 - Long walk to the market. Come home with 20kg of fruit, vegetables and nuts.
14h00 - French homework. Mental calisthenics.
15h00 - 1hr "Yoga for cyclists"
16h00 - Make buns for dinner, prep parsnips, veggie patties, and homemade vegan in-n-out sauce
18h00 - Watch "The Martian" because the Oscar nominations came out and you realized you've only seen one movie in the entire list. Eat a lot of food.
20h00 - Eat some more food and go to sleep.