Hello everyone,
this is my first post here after having spent a while reading the free encyplopedia this forum represents. Thank you to all the knowledge-sowers here!

I currently (this is my sixth year) work in The Netherlands, at a bike shop with a Bike Machinery Hydra jig and BikeCad Pro.

I am building a frame for myself, to get to know the hydra. i desiged the frame in BikeCad Pro, which gives me a X value of 526 and a Y value of 276 for the head tube- bottom distance.
I have troubles setting the hydra with the "Bike Machinery X" and "Bike Machinery Y" values provided by BikeCad. There seems to be a calculation step to use to be able to use these values to adjust the jig, but i do not get it.

The jig is third hand and I have no manual to refer to.

I set the head angles, bb drop, seat tube angle, chainstay length on the jig but it seems like a good idea to get the head tube on the right spot!

Any BikeCad and hydra users willing to help?

Thank you in advance!

Vincent Cretin.

PS: I also posted this on Bikecad.ca but thought it would be wise to ask here too.