Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
PS I won't add links or name names, but my interest in keeping the standards high is genuine.
what i have noticed as a newbie, as an interested learner, as a non-professional, is that the best advice not only explores complex relationships and situations, but it quantifies the key aspects of those relationships and situations. The best advice does this, (quantification,) to allow listeners to engage meaningfully with your findings, and initiate change in their own practice, based on the learning ( both your and their own ) done from those findings.

please quantify for me richard so i can understand what you are saying, what video you are talking about, and what specifically dont you like about it?

though it sounds like you see it as a trend, or a pattern of builders, and this video may not be your penultimate example, it might plot a point on the graph making the trend that little bit clearer...