Hi guys! I couldn't find a thread to post these photos of my dad's latest project. If I started a new thread for an existing thread please point me into the right direction.

Super brief back story about this project. Almost 2 years ago my dad got in a terrible motorcycle accident where he almost lost his left leg. He was forced to retire early. My dad is one of those people who can't just sit and relax. He needs a project to work on constantly. While in the hospital, he told me he was going to make a car again (more to that later, maybe) an electric super car. And he asked me to help him copy a '90 Lamborghini body his buddy had laying in his shop. The rest his is his own design made from scratch, with simple tools and no fancy/expensive equipment out in the open.

I skipped through a whole bunch of photos but this will give you an idea.
His idea behind this car was to make a very light, yet strong chassis so he could get more mileage per charge. Initially we wanted to make a full carbon fiber body but we didn't have the funds for it. Fiberglass had to do. As far as the engine goes (don't quote me on this because i'm not sure) It's made for small buses or trucks, which he modified the gearing so in theory it would work on a lighter car, offer better MPG, and have up to 900hp. Pretty wild. Honestly, this project goes way beyond me and when I look it up close I can't comprehend it. There are thousands of small pieces in this car, all which he made by hand.
The car is still a work in progess hopefully it will be ready by the end of the year.