Had an interesting experience yesterday at Coffee Chakra in Myrtleford (it's run by Vik who used to work at Bright Brewery, he's well worth a visit for any Aussie salonisti on their way to Bright).

Vik had me try two doppii ristretti he pulled using a new roast he'd made that day. I knew they were both the same coffee but nothing else.
#1 was really intense, dominated by a character that reminded me of the dried bitter orange peel used in Witbier.
#2 was quite different: slightly less intense but more complex, the orange peel character was still there but less dominant.

Turned out #1 was 22g, # 2 was 21g. No other changes. Mind = blown.

Pulled a double myself using the same coffee at home this morning, I can only fit 18g into the portafilter for the Sylvia. Mine was about 80% of Vic's second effort. I have work do do: for now I'm blaming the grinder.