I'm the only one in my family that doesn't wear glasses. Or rather I was...the time has come. :-(

I've been to 6-7 shops in town and tried on ~ a hundred pairs. I'd settled on a pair until I tried on some ic! Berlin's in a small boutique which not only look baller (so I'm told) but are significantly more comfortable than anything else I've tried.

Questions are as follows:

1: What do I need to know about lenses? Everything is AR coated right? Transitions (I'm thinking not)?? I frequently use a grinder/lathe/etc at work so I'm around flying metal - what's going to be the toughest lens? (the point being I need a good lens - I still plan to switch to safety glasses for the rough work)

2: Sticker on the frames was $495 plus I was quoted another $140 for lenses...but after seeing online pricing for the frames at $260ish the shop told me they'd do it all (frames/lenses) for $450, does that seem about right? Must be a fairly significant mark up on these? Is there a significant risk of getting "fakes" online? I'm inclined to go with the local guys for $450 so I don't have to hassle with insurance claims, etc.

I'll think of more in the morning.