Quote Originally Posted by Andrew R Stewart View Post
I've stayed out of this till I read the above. Not sure i agree with the last sentence. I've known many people who do services for pay but don't call themselves "plumber..." when the money hits the road, as in on their 1040 forms.

I build frames, but currently I'm no frame builder. When I was paid for it and also claimed the $ as income I was a frame builder. Then i also claimed the cost of tools (and other costs of doing business) against the income. Now i don't so I'm no builder as i see it.

Some time ago (in the early years of this interweb community stuff) i offered the term "gentleman builder" as a description that might cover my situation. Now i feel that hobbyist" best describes me. Until some one does all the proper business qualifications (including state sales tax account and insurance) they are not a frame builder in my eyes. Andy.

Ya know, my ex-wife liked to call herself an "entertainer", or a "dancer" but no matter what her job title of the week was, she still swung on a brass pole.

P.S. just got a note from my garbage man advising all customers that he's an "Urban sanitation specialist".