Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
I'll need all new suits after February.
My jacket size went from 38 to 50.

Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
And my shoulders ache. PS Is it bad form to say fuck this winter? Is it bad
form to even ask?! Del Boca Vista, baby. #shovelopinionsnotsnowatmo
No it's not bad form and totally ok. This winter up here has been an odd one and in bad form. The snow I can deal with - it's the rain and ice right after the snow that's been chapping my a$$. Anything good get's ruined. Oh and then it'll turn below near zero I'm sure after the rain... I shoveled my whole roof last weekend and I had sore shoulders, neck my left wrist was shot. HOOCHY MAMA!!!

I've found though that like stacking wood: Shovel only what is necessary the day of. Then that few days after the snow storm, shovel a little at a time so you knock it out over the course of a few days than spending one whole day and then aching for a week after that. Your shoulders and back will thank me...