[QUOTE=Amaro Bikes;565323]Why always keep relating framebuilding with an art? I think this is probably one of the main reasons why it will always be taken as some kind of ethereal mythologized act rather than what it should be considered as, a job, a skill, a process, something that someone realizes following some standarized steps in order to create a safe vehicle for others to enjoy. Of course, aside this main base picture, it will always add each builder's own perspective or personality which will make it more or less appealing to others, therefore more or less succesfull as a business. And here is where the big differential point is, as almost anyone (of course, with practice and some coordination and skills) would be able to be good enough at the technical parts of this process (say cutting, tube prep, fitting, welding, paint, etc), but none of those technical skills will be enough to survive if this builder can't manage to create something appealing enough to be alive in the market, and of course being able to run a business, the customer service, accounts, etc, etc. This is exactly why it would not matter if everybody would be able to build a bike more or less properly, some individuals will always rise over the average, maybe because of they obsesive attention to details, maybe because of their incredibly unique personality and own perspectives on bicycles, paintwork, aesthetics, tech solutions, etc. As it would happen with any other question in life (call it literature, everybody knows to write, but only some manage to tell stories in a captivating way).

I understand, that we/I sometimes refer to things in such a way, as to make things cliche', however, I did not intend on the art of what is done by you guys who have mastered this skillset in a cliche' way. I do believe in any discipline there are some who possess 'something' that rises above the level of others, as you mentioned above, and isn't that an art? In medicine, we say there is science to what we do, knowns, and there is an art of practice that is something we work on but in the same something you really cannot teach either. I simply see parallels here, call it an art that rises like creme to the top, or call it an expectation that some masters do master. Just my observation, and as a freshman newbie fish here, I am totally just trying to glean. I really do appreciate your input and help Aimar

Thanks Doug et al for the thoughts and insight