Hi all

That's a question about Mononucleosis and Mr Epstein Barr, I guess some of you already have the "pleasure" to meet this nightmare.

Since last December (yes, end 2012), it's been an endless circle of being tired and some peaks of laid in bed with low fever and kind of cold/flu. As situation got worst every month, April was the end of it for any cycling or excercise and got easy on efforts. Months went by and about a month ago it all seemed kind of better, so went back to do some cycling (otherwise it would be mental helth what would have been in risk!), and it's been just 3 weeks to get back to the sadly well known weakness and lack of any strength, including unusually high heart rate. (10-20 more than "normal")

IGM values have been negative since long ago, but IGG still positive. I've been with too many doctors and specialists, and some of them say IGG normal to be positive and does mean nothing, while others say if it's positive something is still working inside. Some say "do whatever you feel like" others say "do absolutely nothing and rest", some... others... might be none have any idea?

I also tested for coeliac disease (in case inmuno system and defenses where the key issue), but negative.

Any ideas out there? or there's nothing to do except wait till one day it all ends?

Boy, how good is to have health and how little we do realize of it when it all goes fine

Thanks for your thoughts or experiences