Hey all, wasn't sure to post this here or in the Art of Wardrobe, so I figured that since it's more of a utilitarian question I'd throw it up here. So here it goes...

It's official. I received my acceptance letter from Dartmouth (and a little more importantly, my notice of financial aid fulfillment) so I will theoretically be spending the next 4 years in New Hampshire.

I'm a California boy, so the whole "winter" thing isn't too familiar to me. Was thinking about picking up a down jacket to keep me nice and toasty.

Besides cycling, I also free climb, so I was thinking something along the lines of a sturdy, mid to light weight jacket that'll keep me warm without making me look like the Michelin man.

Additionally, I started leaning towards synthetic down because of warmth in the wet and because natural down jackets seem rather delicate?

Oh, and I'm hoping to avoid shelling out Patagucci-esque prices. Suggestions?
