I recently posted some pictures of what I called the English Racer bike.

See http://www.velocipedesalon.com/forum...tml#post421287 or English Racer for additional context.

Anyway, I recieved an email from the new owner today.

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So....I picked it up today!

It is the most beautiful bike I've ever laid eyes on. Like the great movie stars it looks even more beautiful in the flesh than in the pictures - I spent a good 20 minutes just looking at it in the shop! The paint sparkles just like you said it would and the smooth lines flow from the fork to the main triangle to the stays seamlessly. I love it. I love all of it. If pushed I'd have to say I love the Vendetta flute wishbone most. I've seen pictures but they don't do it justice, it's perfectly formed, it's delicately shaped and the way it fits snugly over the rear wheel is poetic.

...and then I took it for a spin.

Oh my god! It's just the most luxurious ride. it's sharp and responsive but unbelievably comfortable, truly the most glorious sensation!

I've ridden a few bikes in my time, and enjoy it immensely, but not since I was a kid have I ridden aimlessly around the neighbourhood just for the pure joy of riding a bike. And that's just what I did today! Every time I got near the house I just couldn't bring myself to turn down my street and get off the bike, I just had to keep on going.

Thank you so much for this. I know you and Garrett have put a lot of love, care, time and attention into building it, and I know I'm going to enjoy riding this bike until I can no longer ride a bike.

Thank you

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For me this is the experience that makes it all worth it and I'd personally like to give a shout-out to all the clients that have waited patiently and earnestly for their new bicyle.

It can be a long and arduous process and ultimately it's not just about making a bicycle as *this* is really all about trust and relationship building.

Well that and making a grown man go "wheeeeeeeeeeee" as he rides down his driveway.
