Quote Originally Posted by Luke View Post

Tubes are in hand. Thanks to RS on the quick quick quick shipping and also the RS ATMO goodies !!

Ends are marked RED...I have came to the assumtion that it denotes UP or FRONT depending on tube placement.
--- Go to the Columbus website and get the pdf for their tubesets. It's a good reference. UOS mimics the size and butts of SFL.
--- Find a flat surface and determine where any bow in is in the tubes. I place it in line with the bicycle.
Do I want to cut the needed section from the 'middle' of the tube, i.e. cutting equal amounts off each end to place the tube in the middle of the butts???
--- Put the painted end of the ST in the BB and cut off as little as possible. For the DT I put the longer butt at the head tube. I keep the ST balanced.
I would think (yikes) that the bulk of the ST would want to be left up top...and not remove any from the heavy end...only trim as needed for strength???
--- Leave an inch or so on the top of the ST until it's brazed up. I leave a centimeter on the top and bottom of the HT also. Cut them straight with a hack saw, or a big machine.
I've seen HT left long above and below the lugs....I guess this leaves a shoulder to braze against on the flat side (top and bottom of the HT)
Mark the tube centers with a straight edge...for alignment in the lugs...plus accesory items???
--- If you have no other way, a door frame will work for drawing a straight line on the tube. Use a sharpie.
Any other precautions...things to keep me from screaming OOOOH SHIT??
--- The only advise I can give is to fit it together stress free. I mean the tubes, not you. Good luck!