I got the UOS bike built up and out for a ride today. I had a great time and rode 65 miles. I know this is where I'm supposed to give an analytical account of how it all was, but I'm a bit short on what to say. I had a great ride, I liked the bike, it was totally awesome! The bike met all my expectations, and surprised me a little. The roads I chose are typical of this area; for the most part really nice. On a smooth road the feel was good and it solid. Out of the saddle for rollers are it's strong point. I got the chance to ride a couple of short hills, yes we have a few of those around here if you seek them out. Out of the saddle it was super stable and just went forward. Coming down a steep and rough hill I felt a greater degree of stability than I get from my OS bikes. Rough roads are where this bike excels. That is if you're tough enough. It is best going fast over bad roads. Take those same roads slow and it beats you to death. This bike wants to go fast. The fork is on the beefy side, but even with my bad hands I had no issues.

Visually the UOS tubes look right with modern components. While building this frame I was often thinking about how big it all was, but out on the road it just looks right. I've said some pretty nice things about this frame, but remember it's a bike. As such, one needs to remember this is a bike that is put together right, fits me, and is straight. Those three things overshadow any considerations of tubing choice. But if you like steel, and you like lugs, this one is hard to beat. Another consideration is I was rolling on Campagnolo Shamal Ultra wheels with FMB 25's at 90lbs. The build is Chorus all the way around except for a Record crankset. Aluminum bars, stem, post, cages, and 105 pedals finish it off. You'll see in the photos I double wrap my bars, it's that hand thing again. It's hard to find fault with a ride dressed like this one! I'm not one to be into weight issues with bicycles, but I went ahead and weighed this one. With pedals and cages it came out to 19.8lbs. This was on my bathroom scale, so you be the judge if that's reliable. It's probable this one gives up a good solid pound+ to a likely built OS bike. Not sure I care about that, it rode great. I'm sure you'll see lots of UOS frames built up with carbon forks, but not from this builder. The bottom line is this will now be my main ride.