From a friend of Foresta in Vermont.
I sure love friends who know beer!

"Greetings, Craig.
I took my maiden ride of the year.
I used to ride year-round, whether outside or on a trainer, and decided that I like to switch things up completely and enjoy the winter opportunities when the days are short and cold; then haul the skis to the basement and pull out the two-wheeled machines for the warmer months.
Anyhow, with our winter break this week and some mild weather, I couldn't resist any longer.
With two "nice" bikes to choose from, I didn't hesitate much at all in pulling out my Foresta. And the ride was absolutely perfect.
Frankly, I have no idea what factor or combination of factors make it ride so nicely for me, but I sure do enjoy it. I picked up a NOS Kestrel 1" carbon fork that I might play with. And I also picked up a different stem/handlebar combo to try this season along with the HandleBra. I was going to throw those things on this week but ended up getting into a few other to-dos with the time off.

Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks again. I'm enjoying your frame immensely. Having ridden Serottas, a custom Salsa from their Petaluma days, a beautiful Carl Strong, some carbon bikes, and now yours; I'm loving what you've done.

On a side-note, do you enjoy a nice microbrew? I've been putting together a VT sampler gift box for you and my brother was RAVING about a VT-only beer that he had the other day up in ski-country. Made me wonder if I should grab a few interesting local beers to send to you, too.
