Being further behind the BB requires a lower saddle position.

I agree 100% with Mr. WFSTEKL.

Here is an example of a questionable fit job. Just doesn't look quite right, does it? If the guy had fused vertebrae or something along those lines I can see it. But the fact is that many of the marginal fits we see are the result of bizarre mythology among the LBS crowd and putting numbers into a fit calculator to come up with a one-size-fits-all figure. There is a dealer locally who sells Serottas (and everyone knows I love that brand) but the bikes coming out of that place make me wince, with positions seriously not all that far off this Colnago.

One of the guys we ride with here in MI has had a fit done by his dealer. He owns a big box store brand and is a really fit rider. They have done some hideous things to him and while he sits on the bike comfortably for him on the shop trainer, it hurts to look at and it has a very negative impact on his handling of the machine. And he refuses to change because he thinks they're experts and we're not.

I brought my bike to Mike Z when I ordered mine. He spent 10 minutes watching me ride up and down the road and another 20 minutes making measurements and another 30 talking to me about my riding, etc. End result is the best fitting bike I've ever had.

Not all people who claim to know what they're doing are equal.