Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Gibson View Post
PDAR, I can see what you mean about Greenaway and achingingly beautiful. That seques (sp?) nicely into my question. An open one to all. and a specific one to "Round".

All: What do you love about the bicycle?
For my part, putting aside the beautiful mechanical efficiency, I see a metaphor. The bike, like the earth, spins. It "cycles" around the sun, and the spin contributes to our rekoning of time. Likewise, the seemingly deterministic repetitive motions on the bike lead to a journey, which is also usually circular in nature. And like life, the trick is to enjoy the ride!!!!

Round: I am blessed enough to be waiting for a Ciavete Responsorum via Kyle in Philadelphia...Beethoven "Ode to Joy" and "clockwork". The question I have is, for 30-80 km rides through rolling hills, what wheelset would give the most aesthetic (not nec. fastest or lightest) ride??

Thank you for your art!
If I understand correctly the question, the answer is:
don't ask me brand and model , it is just for ahestetic ,
a nice pair of high-profile wheels, 80 mm minimum, where I have sufficient space to make a wild "ciavete".
take care