What the hell is going on here?

Obviously, Oregon's unis have been rotating for some time now, and I even get it -- Nike's ROI on that ever-changing, sometimes-hideous mess makes sense, and brought some cache to a team that was, let's face it, playing in ugly uniforms to begin with. Green and yellow should be reserved for John Deere tractors, full stop.

But now the trend's gone too far. The fabric atrocities Maryland was wearing last night were awful. They looked like clown vomit.

But the worst offenders so far have to be Georgia. They took one of the cleanest, best-looking, most tradition-rich uniforms in college football, and turned it into a space cadet costume. (And being a Tennessee fan, it pains me to say anything nice about Georgia.) Whoever approved those uniforms, and especially those helmets, ought to be shitcanned to the Boise State Turf Maintenance division immediately.

Are college football uniforms the ProTour bikes of the sartorial world? Have we entered a downward spiral that won't stop until Alabama, Penn State and Notre Dame (Hey! I can't stand any of those teams, their sharp uniforms notwithstanding!) are wearing day-glo gypsy space-suits?