Hi Guy's,
Iv'e got a bug in my arse about building a Titanium frame for myself and wanted to start a thread about the pitfalls I might encounter along the way. The brains trust here is second to none and so was hoping to promote discussion on the do's and dont's to working with Ti. I've been building part time for over 20 years and built using steel, aluminium and carbon. I am self taught but have found places like frameforum and here invaluable for gathering insight and knowledge. I've always found the frame building community to be helpfull in sharing information and I for one really appreciate that.
OK, so here go's, I'll post up a question or two and see if we can't get the ball rolling. Litespeed used to spout about cutting bb threads post welding because of distortion in the shell,( I do this with aluminium but not steel) what do you all do here, use a threaded shell and chase and face post weld, how do the tools hold up to this? How important are heat sinks with titanium?
Feel free to jump in and ask your own questions, would be nice to keep this thread about construction methods.
Regards Bill