Quote Originally Posted by Slapshot View Post
Do you feel that your art background has been helpful in the transition to working with metal?

I think this is huge Don, at least for getting me started. Early on I had to keep reminding myself I'd better get a ruler out and stop eyeballing everything. I still tend to just eyeball a bit too much. Your experience has probably enabled you to eyeball it quite well, but mine gets me in trouble. With that said, there are plenty of times I do something like drill a hole too big, or round a point wrong, and then realize it afterward because I don't have the experience base yet. Like the one I'm riding now. I don't like some of my choices with the lugs and stay caps at all, but it's a really nice frame underneath it all. I'm hoping I'll get better with this. For paint and my graphics the art background just gave me the guts to do it.
Thanks! Craig