Based on the wait time when I first started seriously contemplating getting a Sachs, I'd have had it last year. But last year turned out to be the year my riding started winding down with a much more serious reduction this year. Is it a blip or a trend? Only time will tell. On one hand, I sort of regret not having bought one of these masterpieces. I think I'd have fully appreciated it a few years ago (just before I'd have gotten it). Getting in line now based on the thought that I *MIGHT* be riding a lot again in 20?? is tempting but a bet I ultimately can't justify. And its not like the Spectrum I put most of my miles on these days isn't an absolute friggin' joy every time I throw my leg over it (and was a big part of killing my lust for other bikes and hence, I'm not in line for a Sachs).

But, damn, I've seen a few of Richard's bikes up close and the craftsmanship is unlike anything I've seen, and I've seen some NICELY built bikes. So it would almost be worth it for the art if I never rode it. But that's not what bikes are for, particularly bikes as perfectly balanced and well thought out as Richard's, so I guess I'll continue to leave that place open for someone that's gonna really appreciate it and ride the crap out of it.

Ray Sachs - (yeah I know, I REALLY shoulda)