raising the handlebars is an easy way to get a bike rider to stop complaining. hence, bikerider, i recommend you raise your handlebars.

listen- this isn't about physical deformities, or that guy you know who is so much faster on his fasterbackwards!!! bike than that other guy you know who bought petacchi's old dogma on ebay, this about the proper way to ride a road bike. there is a right way...not in a moral sense, which is why no one should get their panties in a knot over this shi'ite, but a right, as in proper, way to position the cyclist on a road bike.

if people are not comfortable on their road bike it is really simple to put them on a trainer or a size cycle and keep raising the handlebars until the thing starts to resemble the position of a bar stool....but this may not be the position that will be the most comfortable out on the road.....bikes work best when the glutes are working....glutes only work when their thrust forward at a certain angle; fasterbackwards!!!! doesn't let the glutes work. even giant fat people lean forward to stand up out of a chair, because you need a certain hip angle to get those muscles working.....it ain't about aero, it ain't about looking like michelle bartoli, it ain't about "drop", it's about muscle recruitment and bike balance that allows one to ride in a comfortable, efficient position for long periods of time over varied terrain at a fairly quick pace. your (by your i mean all of you) biomechanics are no different than those guys on tv, you should be able to approximate the same positions with little if any work.

