Dang it e-RICHIE can you leave a window open after you do that???? Dewd, that's rank!!! Beans for lunch or whatmo? ;)

"The large majority of cyclists have not raced" Sandy 2008 immortal

Wellllll, Greg Lemond raced a bit. I saw him at Trexlertown last yr. When he thew his leg over his personal bike to go for a ride with 20 of his pals I'd bet my bottom dollar he'd describe himself as a "cyclist".

Folks we must respect and have equal passion for others points of view. Our hearts are in the right places. Terminology and the $$s we spend might be for diff. purposes no doubt. Heck, I f'ing HATE Brooks saddles because they bloody hurt me and I'll tell you about it....but I might just recommend one for the right person with the right bike setup don't hate me for my perspective or words as long as I'm fair, willing to laugh at myself and will listen and take a question without making it personal than have a laugh about it later. Nuff said.
