I live in a wooded area at the end of a cul-de-sac, and have a longish driveway such that you can't see the house from the road. Every now and then (but not very often) I'll see evidence along the driveway suggesting that some nosy parker (or worse?) drove in, then had a hard time turning around or backing up, so I wonder what was going on while I was away at work.

This happened again recently, which got me to thinking if I should find a way to at a minimum get motion-activated still images of the driveway. One option would be a trail (or security) camera. I don't know much about them, but I'm thinking the following characteristics would be ideal:

1) Solar powered, so I don't have to run power out to some tree 100 feet from the house.

2) Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, which would allow me to download any activity to my smart phone say, once a week. I don't have high-speed internet for my home computer yet, but can get a so-so signal on my phone, which I primarily use to check the weather. So, the camera can't really be easily connected to the web, unless I got a sim card for it, but if I can just download activity to my phone that's fine with me - I don't need real-time notification that Bambi is wandering around. Also, I don't want to have to climb a ladder to remove a memory device to get the data - wireless download to my phone is far better.

3) I don't think I need anything when it's dark - it isn't a vandalism or crime issue, and I really don't think anyone's going come wandering around the area at night.

Anyone out there have any experience doing this sort of thing for "home security?"