Here along the southwestern edge of the Berkshires (NY/MA's bumpy border) we've had a very wet spring and summer. And it doesn't seem to be slowing down. More rain the last couple days and some of it approaching torrential. As a result, we are absolutely infested with gnats - typically called fungus gnats but that term represents a family of many different but related bugs. These are larger than midges or black flies, but they don't really bite like mosquitoes - which are also bad and do bite and this year seem to have an extra level of vim & vigor to those bites. We always get gnats, but they are usually gone by August due to heat and dryness. It isn't just a few things buzzing around. They are getting in eyes, nose and mouth. I have very little hair these days, but I do have a beard and what hair I have collects gnats - enough that I have a comb I use when I get back in the house to get them out of my hair. Several nights ago, we got a bit of a cold snap. I think it went down into the 50's. In the morning, I went outside and swept thousands of gnats off our porch. Since then they've come back 2 for 1 if not more. Now I am sitting here next to a window looking out at the trees while working on my computer - and there is a cloud of gnats outside the glass anywhere there is not direct sunlight.

Nature is incredible in its ability to produce a multitude the moment conditions allow it.