I'm humbly turning to the V-Salon Collective for ear bud recommendations. A bit more info is below.


I have been a devoted Jaybird user for 5+ years. Their X2 and Tarah models were great. But the Vista and Vista 2.0 models have been problematic (this seems to be common if you check out Reddit, Facebook, etc)

* vista #1 : right ear bud died within a month
* vista #2 : warranty replacement. same issue
* vista #3 : warranty replacement. same issue after a year.
* vista 2 #1 : left ear bud 50% quieter than the right. out of box
* vista 2 #2 : right ear bud's mic/noise cancelling is different than the left. sounds like treb + mids are cut. makes me feel lopsided.

The thing that gets me is that when the product works, it works well:

* fit is great, they never fall out of my ears and never irritate me.
* moderate size
* the app is one of the better ones and combined with the hardware the sound is good
* minimal noise when wind passes over them. Isolation is great when I'm listening to a podcast and working in the shop.
* Vista 1 was IPX7 Vista 2 is IPX8 (or there about)
* Vista 1 mic was fantastic for Zoom meetings. Vista 2 was crap.