Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Medeiros View Post
Hi Matt,
Any camera can do this if you are careful when taking the image batch. I use a Sony A7r2 on top of a cheap indexing panorama head to make sure all the shots line up and so I don't miss any. To do the vertical change I use the rule of thirds lines in the viewfinder to make sure I have between 25% to 30% overlap. To stitch the photos together I either use the "Photo merge to panorama" function in Lightroom or for bigger images like this a panorama program called PTGui. PTGui is faster and allows for tweaking of the alignment. Alignment can be an issue in images without sharp defined edges like the out of focus areas and sky. The photo above was 30,000 pixels across on the long side before cropping and downsizing for saving. Needless to say, I need a bigger hard drive. The reason I am doing this is to play with the depth of field. If my calculations are correct this image would be like using a 32mm f/0.35 lens. An impossible lens to make.
Thanks for explaining. I may have a new winter project.