Quote Originally Posted by jimcav View Post
sorry to hear this--does that mean the current outbreak at that nursing home is due to a staff transmitting it, or visitors? The continued (esp. asymptomatic transmission), even after vaccination makes it hard to limit the virus from the vulnerable without lots of testing, which doesn't seem to be occurring here as it is elsewhere in the developed world.
The county is a hotspot in the state so it's likely a staff member (they're all vaccinated) brought it while asymptomatic. I'm not sure what can be done for older folks who have breakthrough cases that might or might not kill them. My MIL is a physically strong 74-year-old six-foot-tall woman, it's her mind that doesn't work. She otherwise has no co-morbidities. I bet she survives. In the county where I live, the deaths are dropping off and shifting back to the older age groups affected a year ago. The younger people are getting fewer infections and fatalities. It's not necessarily vaccinations or masks, we still have a low vaccination rate and almost no mask-wearing outside of work where most businesses require it.

As far as the OP from 79 pages ago, I got the Moderna back in March and April. I'm getting my flu shot a week from tomorrow. I'm conflicted about the boosters, should we be giving the general public booster shots when portions of the world have single digit vaccination rates? Perhaps just the elderly and vulnerable. If we as a nation have the capacity to produce enough for booster shots, would it not be a better investment to make sure a larger portion of the world is vaccinated first?