so I actually bought a cd this week even though I don't have a cd player in service at the moment. Just wanted the physical disc. Anyway, I had to fire up the ancient IMac to rip it into the collection and got really frustrated navigating both Itunes (mac is so old that it still has itunes) and my phone to get the album and few others on the phone without syncing the whole shebang. Part of the problem is that when I ripped cd's back in the day I had both lossless and mp3 versions to conserve space on ipods & phones. so lots of duplication and Apple never made it easy to manage that. Now I'm wondering how/where/if anybody still rips/downloads music to local sources. What's best practice these days?

Also close to migrating to another streaming service. We've supplemented our original Rhapsody (now Napster) service with spotify and amazon, but have such a library built up from decades on Rhapsody that parting ways has been tough/delayed, but it is time. Let's hear how you are listening to music these days. thanks