Leerburg has a lot of experience. Using his methods have worked out well for me, and we've had multiple dogs in the household for 30+ years, generally 2 sometimes 3 that have all gotten along well and kept each other company. There are lots of training philosophies out there, and dismissing others ideas is not really in the spirit of "please share your dog wisdom".

Quote Originally Posted by rec head View Post
I really don't want to get into it with anyone on the forum and I'm not going any further but the whole "pack leader" and "alpha" is old fashioned. A good place to start a search for a more modern trainer: https://karenpryoracademy.com/find-a...!directory/map

We had 2 dogs for 10 years and they were roommates at best. They didn't fight but never really cared about the other one. Getting that second one wasn't a great idea.